Pastor Louis R. Torres is an international Evangelist, author, trainer, and recording artist. Before giving his life to the Lord, Pastor Torres was the Bass guitarist for the world famous “Bill Haley and the Comets.” Since devoting His life to the Lord’s work he has traveled around the world bringing thousands to a Christ centered life. He has worked as a Pastor, Evangelist, Administrator, and Trainer. Dr. Torres previously served as Director of Training and Evangelism for NAD ASI, the Executive Secretary of the GNY Conference, and President of Guam-Micronesia Mission. His wife Carol and he founded and operated Mission College of Evangelism from which AFCOE, ARISE, JOSIA, and many other centers of evangelism sprouted. He is a studious Bible student and teacher, well-respected for presenting sound Bible teaching in a simple, but engaging manner. He is currently the Assistant to the President for Evangelism of AWR (Adventist World Radio), and also serves as Board Chairman for SOLI. He has published 10 books and has spoken extensively around the world, with appearances on the global 3ABN television network station, Hope Channel, and many others.