Summary: A review of the resources offered by Piece of the Pie Ministries

When Robert Folkenberg was elected president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, he challenged church members by saying, Give young people a piece of the pie and maybe they will stay for dinner.

Steve Case took that challenge and in 1992 began Piece of the Pie Ministries. Although well qualified with a Ph D in religious education and 20 years of experience in youth ministry, Steve feels his major qualification is his love for God and young people.

The mission of Piece of the Pie is to draw young people to Christ by drawing them into the life of the Church. Piece of the Pie Ministries offers four services.

  1. Speaking for youth events—Experienced, energetic speakers are available for events such as youth rallies, weeks of prayer, and camp-meetings.
  2. Training seminars—Qualified trainers are available for youth leadership training.
  3. Short-term mission trips—In conjunction with Maranatha Volunteers International, mission trips are designed specifically for teens, young adults and their families.
  4. Youth ministry resources—Currently there are seven resources available:

It\s My Choice, a baptismal study guide

Shall We Dance?, a lifestyle study guide

Maranatha Guide to Adventure, a mission trip blueprint

Questions 4 You, a thought-provoking set of discussion questions

Hands-on Service Ideas, a collection of service ideas

PI=Program Ideas, weekly program ideas by email or fax

On the Case, a weekly column in the magazine, Insight

For more information:

P. O. Box 2424

Carmichael, CA 95609

Phone 916-944-3928

Fax 916-944-7085

email [email protected]
