Pastor Noldy Sakul Retires After 44 years

Elder Noldy Sakul served the Seventh-day Adventist Churches of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division in various capacities. He served as a local church pastor, conference and union president, executive secretary, and division stewardship director. Of his 44 years of church service, eight were in the Stewardship Ministries Department, 2005 – 2007 and 2016-2020. Pastor Sakul retired on January 14, 2021, and will be greatly missed. We will keep him and his family in our prayers.


Watch a short video of the ceremony here: Farewell to Pastor Noldy Sakul.

Replacing Pastor Sakul is Pastor Jibil Simbah. We welcome Pastor Simbah to our team and look forward to a wonderful experience in the Lord.

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