Thanks and Welcome

by Pastor Marcos Bomfim

This issue, “Mission: Forward and Stronger,” marks a change in the Dynamic Steward editor’s chair. Former editor Penny Brink, along with her husband, André, moved forward to a new mission, returning to South Africa to develop their own ministry. Aniel Barbe, our new editor beginning with this issue, has worked for the last four years as the SID Stewardship director. Previously, he served as a conference and a union administrator. Barbe accepted God’s call to be an associate director for GC Stewardship Ministries. I am convinced that the world church will be blessed by his service. 

This issue, “Mission: Forward and Stronger,” marks a change in the Dynamic Steward editor’s chair. 

Our sincere gratitude goes to Penny, who, besides her editorial duties, was also responsible for all the GC Stewardship resources (check them out on our Web site at Her contribution was especially valuable in the development of the design of the Commitment Cards, as well as the conception of the word “Promise” as a friendly name for the God-given idea of regular and systematic (percent based) offerings; and the elaboration of the branding (plus editorial work) for the “God First” concept, which was translated into the “2017–2020 GC Stewardship Strategic Plan” ( 

As the Dynamic Steward is a quarterly voice for the GC Stewardship Strategic Plan, you may expect to see in every article a connection between the text and what we believe the Lord is expecting us to do or to preach in Stewardship! And the general theme, inspired by the last GC Annual Council, is not an exception: “Mission: Forward and Stronger.” 

The content of this issue is available through the Dynamic Steward App (in English) and soon in e-version in Spanish, French, and Portuguese. Our magazine is going forward—and it’s growing stronger! 

Thank you, Penny! And welcome, Aniel! 

Pastor Marcos Bomfim 
Pastor Marcos F. Bomfim is the director of the Stewardship Ministries at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland.